Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia

Tien-Shan Trav­el

              — your reli­able guide in Cen­tral Asia


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Sub­mit your appli­ca­tion

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About us

Trav­el com­pa­ny “Tien-Shan Trav­el” has been oper­at­ing in the field of extreme and tra­di­tion­al types of tourism since 1988 and is one of the first tour oper­a­tors in Kyr­gyzs­tan, which con­tin­ues to main­tain high stan­dards of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and qual­i­ty ser­vices that sat­is­fy the needs of dis­cern­ing trav­el­ers.

“Tien-Shan Trav­el” offers var­i­ous pro­grams: moun­taineer­ing, trekking, ski­ing with a heli­copter and ski trips, spe­cial pro­grams, pro­grams on the Silk Road, expe­di­tions, bicy­cle tours, sight­see­ing tours, horse rid­ing. We can also devel­op spe­cial pro­grams in accor­dance with the wish­es of the client.

Our guest house

Guest House Tien-Shan offers air-con­di­tioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It is locat­ed in a qui­et res­i­den­tial area of Bishkek, 10–15 min­utes dri­ve to the cen­ter of the city. All rooms have a flat-screen TV, en-suite bath­room, air con­di­tion­ing and a fridge.

Break­fast is served at the din­ing room on ground floor. Lunch and din­ner is avail­able by request. At only 10 min­utes walk around there are plen­ty of cafes and restau­rants where Euro­pean and nation­al food is served. Recep­tion is open 24 hours a day, lug­gage stor­age room is avail­able. The staff speak Eng­lish and Russ­ian.


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