Helicopter excursion to Pobeda Peak (7439) and Khan Tengri Peak (7010)

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan
Sea­son: July — August
Days: 5

Pro­gram price:
$900 USD per per­son

An unfor­get­table heli­copter tour to the two peaks of Kyr­gyzs­tan — Vic­to­ry Peak (7439) and Khan Ten­gri Peak (7010).

A wide vari­ety of land­scapes, majes­tic ridges, hang­ing glac­i­ers, wide alpine and deep with steep slopes of the val­ley, above which the peaks of Khan Ten­gri and Pobe­da rise — all this undoubt­ed­ly attracts lovers of out­door activ­i­ties in the moun­tains to this area.

The unique and majes­tic views of the Cen­tral Tien Shan will leave an indeli­ble impres­sion on the rest spent here.


The program of a helicopter excursion to Pobeda Peak (7439) and Khan Tengri Peak (7010)

Day 1
Bishkek — Karkara Base Camp. Ear­ly morn­ing trans­fer to Karkara base camp. The path to the Karkara base camp pass­es along the north­ern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul and takes about 8 hours (470 km). Lunch along the way. Accom­mo­da­tion in com­fort­able tents in Karkar. Din­ner.
Day 2
Heli­copter flight of BC Karkara — BC South Inylchek. In the morn­ing you take a heli­copter and your jour­ney starts. We fly over the mag­nif­i­cent moun­tains of Tien Shan. The views below change des­per­ate­ly: start­ing from green car­pets of low­er hills and slow­ly turn­ing into snow capped huge moun­tains. You flight over one of the longest and largest glac­i­ers of Tien Shan moun­tains – Inylchek, the unique lake – Merzbach­er Lake. The heli­copter lands at the Base Camp “South Inylchek” locat­ed at the alti­tude of 4200 m above sea lev­el. From the camp you may observe the high­est peaks of Tien Shan Moun­tains Pobe­da Peak 7439 m and Khan Ten­gri Peak (7010 m.).
Day 3–4
South Inylchek Base Camp. Free days in base camp for walk­ing around camp.
Day 5
Flight back to Karkara base camp and trans­fer to Bishkek.

Price of a helicopter excursion to Pobeda Peak (7439) and Khan Tengri Peak (7010)

Cost of the pro­gram: $900 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

• Heli­copter flight Karkara BC – South Inylchek BC – Karkara BC
• Trans­fer Bishkek – Karkara BC – Bishkek
• Bor­der pass
• Lunch on the way to Karkara BC and lunch box on back way
• Meals and accom­mo­da­tion in BC “Karkara” and BC “South Inylchek”

Helicopter Flight Schedules


5, 12, 14, 19, 20, 25, 28, 30


2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 24, 25

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