Ascent to Khan-Tengri from the Southern Inylchek glacier

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan
Sea­son: August 1 — Sep­tem­ber 30
Days: 21
Height: 7010 m

Tour price: from $950 USD

The knot of the mas­sive ranges Kok­shaal-Too, Merid­ion­al­ni, Sary­d­jazs­ki, Ten­gri-Tag, Inylchek­s­ki and Kaiyindy has the name Muz­tag (The Ice Moun­tain). The cli­mate is sharply con­ti­nen­tal, dry and rig­or­ous. The sum­mer is short, aver­age tem­per­a­ture of about 7 centi­grade. The largest amount of pre­cip­i­ta­tion falls exact­ly dur­ing sum­mer in the form of snow. The region is called “The Arc­tic of Kyr­gyzs­tan”, though Cen­tral Tien-Shan is sit­u­at­ed in the same alti­tude as the Mediter­ranean Sea. The glac­i­ers falling from Muz­tag to the west make full rivers Sari-Dzhas and its trib­u­taries Inylchek and Kaiyindy. Then Sary-Djaz turns to the south and through the deep canyon flows to Chi­na to the Tarim val­ley.

East­ern part of the Inylchek glac­i­er is a great ice riv­er 62 km long. The most north­ern, most dif­fi­cult ascent in the world is the sev­en-thou­sander Pobe­da peak (7439 m), which ris­es above the left trib­u­tary of Inylchek glac­i­er – Zvy­oz­dochka glac­i­er. Oppo­site it in the Ten­gri-Tag range the mar­mo­re­al pyra­mid of one of the most beau­ti­ful sum­mits on the earth Khan-Ten­gri peak (7010 m) ris­es as if it soars in the sky.


Full package with fixed check-in dates

Num­ber of days: 21
Arrival date: from August 6 to August 26, 2022
Cost: $2990 USD per per­son.

The program price includes:

• meet­ing/see­ing-off at the air­port in Bishkek or at rail­way sta­tion in Bishkek;
• trans­fer air­port in Bishkek– hotel — air­port in Bishkek;
• trans­fer Bishkek to heli­copter land­ing spot in Karkara and back;
• heli­copter flight to BC and back;
• unlim­it­ed lug­gage weight on the heli­copter flight to BC and back;
• accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel in Bishkek with break­fast (no more then 3 nights only in total!);
• accom­mo­da­tion in dou­ble tents with full­board at BC “North Inylchek“;
• free usage of hot show­er and sauna, toi­let and cloak-room at BC “North Inylchek“;
• con­sul­tan­cy ser­vice of local guide;
• con­sul­tan­cy of doc­tor;
• reg­is­tra­tion with local Res­cue Par­ty;
• ecol­o­gy fee payable for usage of ter­ri­to­ry at BC;
• usage of long-dis­tance radio telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion ser­vice;
• rent of ultra-short wave radios dur­ing ascents;
• usage of fixed ropes on the route;
• change of air-flight and rail­way tick­ets;
• fron­tier zone per­mit;
• offi­cial reg­is­tra­tion with author­i­ties of Kyr­gyzs­tan and visa sup­port let­ter (if need­ed);
• Pro­fes­sion­al moun­taineer­ing guide:
— group of 1–3 pax – 1 guide
— group of 4–6 pax — 1 guide and 1 guide’s assis­tant
— group of 7–10 pax — 1 guide and 2 guide’s assis­tants
• Installed high-alti­tude tents (3 pax in 1 tent!)
• Group moun­taineer­ing equip­ment: ropes (if need­ed), gas car­tridges and gas stoves, cook­ing set
• High-alti­tude food (see the list in attach­ment)

Price doesn’t include:

• The cost of Kyr­gyz visa;
• Inter­na­tion­al flight;
• All option­al devi­a­tions from the main itin­er­ary;
• Bev­er­ages and meals not includ­ed in main menu;
• All per­son­al expens­es (extra lug­gage fee, room ser­vice, med­ical expenses/insurance, etc.);
• The ser­vices of a moun­tain guide and porters for ascending/descending

Through­out the route, rails are installed on dif­fi­cult sec­tions, which are updat­ed every sum­mer sea­son!

Personal equipment for climbing Khan-Tengri peak from the South

Equip­ment is not includ­ed in the price of the Full pack­age of ser­vices with fixed dates.

1. Back­pack — 85 liters
2. Sleep­ing bag ‑1
3. Sleep­ing pad – 1
4. Hel­met ‑1
5. Har­ness – 1
6. Car­bines — 4
7. Jumar – 1
8. Cram­pons– 1
9. Repsh­nur (6–7 mm) – 5 m
10. Ice axe – 1
11. Sun glass­es – 1 or 2
12. Torch (head­lamp) ‑1 + set of spare bat­ter­ies


13. Ice screw ‑2
14. Down jacket/parka ‑1
15. Gor­tex: pants
16. jack­et – 1 suit
17. Polartec: jack­et 200 ‑1
18. Pants – 1
19. Ther­mal under­wear – 1 suit
20. Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jack­et, pants)
21. Polartec gloves ‑1
22. Over­mitts – 1 + wind­proof ‑1
23. Warm hat ‑1


24. Bal­a­cla­va ‑1
25. Warm socks ‑2 pairs
26. Socks
27. Gamashi
28. Sun pro­tec­tion crèam
29. Figure‑8 descen­der — 1
30. Tele­scop­ic Sticks (poles). – 1
31. Avalanche shov­el –1
32. High alti­tude boots — 1
33. Trekking boots ‑1.
33. Fold­ing knife – 1

Full package

Num­ber of days: 21

Full Package Price in USD

Heli­copter in both direc­tions Karkara — BC — Karkara
Heli­copter one way Karkara — BC — Karkara

Per per­son



The program price includes:

- Meet­ing and see­ing of at the air­port or at rail­way sta­tion
— Trans­fers
— Accom­mo­da­tion at the guest house, 1 night
— Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel, 2 nights
— Accom­mo­da­tion at the Base camps
— Meals on the way, in towns and at the Base Camps
— Con­sul­ta­tions on the route
— Fixed ropes along the route
— Radio com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the BC dur­ing the ascent
— Heli­copter trans­fer from “Mai­da-Adyr” camp (Karkara) to the “Inylchek” BC and back (unlim­it­ed trans­fer of load)
— Douche or sauna at the Base Camps
— Envi­ron­men­tal fee for accom­mo­da­tion at the Base Camps,
— Con­sul­ta­tions and first aid mea­sures of the doc­tor
— Med­ical oxy­gen in case of an emer­gency
— Garbage removal by a heli­copter
— Wash-hand stand with hot water
— Res­cue work reg­is­tra­tion
— Elec­tric gen­er­a­tor for can­teen tent light­ing and charg­ing of accu­mu­la­tors in the Base Camp
— All nec­es­sary per­mits and papers
— Guide- inter­preter on the way and at the Base Camps

Price doesn’t include:

- Addi­tion­al nights and meal in Bishkek or Karakol
— Satel­lite phone (by tar­iff)
— Meal dur­ing the ascent activ­i­ties and acclima­ti­za­tion hikes
— Insur­ance
— Fuel (gas, petrol) for stoves and gas burn­ers
— High-alti­tude guide’s ser­vices
— Porter’s ser­vices
— Ser­vices in the bar at the Base Camp
— Inter­net ser­vices (Wi-Fi — $ 5 per hour)

All expens­es for the res­cue activ­i­ties shall be cov­ered by the client’s insur­ance pol­i­cy. Every client must have amount of insur­ance not less than $30000 USA.
Through­out the route, rails are installed on dif­fi­cult sec­tions, which are updat­ed every sum­mer sea­son!

Small package

Num­ber of days: 21

Small Packet Price in USD

When fly­ing on a pass­ing flight of a heli­copter
Heli­copter in both direc­tions Karkara — BC — Karkara, car­go up to 30 kg
Heli­copter one-way, car­go up to 30 kg

Per per­son


Pay­ment for excess car­go: $5 USD per 1 kg.

The program price includes:

- All nec­es­sary doc­u­ments (bor­der per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion)
— Pitch­ing tents on the ter­ri­to­ry of the “Mai­da-Adyr” base camp (Karkara) and “Inylchek” BC (use water, elec­tric­i­ty, toi­let, dust hole, safe­guard of ter­ri­to­ry)
— Using USW-radio sta­tions (walkie-talkie) to con­tact with the BC
— Route con­sul­ta­tion, doctor’s con­sul­ta­tion
— Using long dis­tance con­nec­tion (SW-radio) in emer­gency cas­es
— Using fixed ropes

All expens­es for the res­cue activ­i­ties shall be cov­ered by the client’s insur­ance pol­i­cy. Every client must have amount of insur­ance not less than $30000 USA.
Camp­ing tents and the use of VHF radio com­mu­ni­ca­tion is manda­to­ry.
Through­out the route, rails are installed on dif­fi­cult sec­tions, which are updat­ed every sum­mer sea­son!

The program of the tour “Climbing Khan-Tengri Peak from the South” (fixed date)

Day 1
Arrival in Bishkek, accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel.
Day 2
Dri­ve Bishkek – Karkara ( 460 km ), accom­mo­da­tion at the Camp.
Day 3
Fly by heli­copter to BC “North Inylchek” (4000m).
Day 4
Acclima­ti­za­tion and prepa­ra­tion for ascent.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion and prepa­ra­tion for ascent.
Day 6
Camp № 1 . 4200m.
Day 7
Camp № 2 . 5300m.
Day 8
Camp № 3 . 5800m.
Day 9
Descend to BC
Day of rest and prepa­ra­tion.
Day 11
Camp № 1.
Day 12
Camp № 2.
Day 13
Camp № 3.
Day 14
Ascent of the sum­mit (7010 m.) and descent to the camp № 3.
Day 15
Descent to the BC.
Day 16
Addi­tion­al day in case of bad weath­er.
Day 17
Addi­tion­al day in case of bad weath­er.
Day 18
Addi­tion­al day in case of bad weath­er.
Day 19
Fly by heli­copter to BC “Karkara” and dri­ve to Bishkek. Accom­mo­da­tion at hotel.
Day 20
Day in Bishkek.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port.

The program of the tour “Climbing Khan-Tengri Peak from the South”

Day 1
Meet at air­port. Break­fast. Dri­ve to Karakol city (420 km, 8–10 hours) along the north lake­side of Issyk-Kul lake. Lunch on the way. Accom­mo­da­tion in hotel 2*. Din­ner.
Day 2
After break­fast dri­ve to BC Mai­da-Adyr (Karkara) 160 km, 4–6 hours via Chon-Ashu Pass (3822 m). Accom­mo­da­tion in cot­tages (sta­tion­ary tents) of the camp (2500 m).
Day 3
Day at Mai­da-Adyr (Karkara). Acclima­ti­za­tion hike on the ridge of Inylchek-Too range up to 4100–4200 m. Return to the camp.
Day 4
After break­fast heli­copter trans­fer to the Inylchek Base Camp which is sit­u­at­ed at the height of 4000 m in con­flu­ence South Inylchek glac­i­er with Zvez­dochka glac­i­er. Accom­mo­da­tion at the Base Camp’s tents.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion, prepa­ra­tion to the ascent. In the after­noon hik­ing to the foot of the Khan-Ten­gri peak (3–4 hours). Overnight in tents (4300 m)
Day 6
Start ear­ly in the morn­ing. Hike up along the glac­i­er under the north-east ridge of Cha­paev peak. Ascent on the ridge up to 4600–4800 m. Camp “1”. Overnight in tents.
Day 7
Ascent to the Camp 3 (5800 m). Camp is on the cross­piece between Khan-Ten­gri peak and Cha­paev peak. Overnight in tents or in cave.
Day 8
Acclima­ti­za­tion ascent up to 6200–6400 m, descent to the cross­piece. Overnight in tents or in a cave.
Day 9
Descent to the BC.
Day 10–11
Days of rest.
Day 12
In the after­noon ascent up to the Camp 1 (4300 m).
Day 13
Start ear­ly in the morn­ing and ascent to the cross­piece. Camp (5800 m).
Day 14
Ascent up to the Camp 4 (6400 m). Overnight.
Day 15
Descent to 6400 m or to the cross­piece (5800 m).
Day 16
Descent to the Base Camp.
Day 17
Reserve day.
Day 18
Heli­copter trans­fer to the Mai­da-Adyr camp (Karkara). Rest. Sauna.
Day 19
Trans­fer to Karakol. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel 2*.
Day 20
Trans­fer to Bishkek along the South shore of the Issyk-Kul lake. Accom­mo­da­tion at the guest-house.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port. Fly home.

Description of the route to the Khan Tengri peak from the South

Part of the track «0–1»

Walk to the route from the camp on the moraine beneath the Gorky peak and fur­ther on along the mid­dle part of the South Inylchek glac­i­er to the con­flu­ence with Semen­ovs­ki glac­i­er. There are less crevass­es in the mid­dle part of the glac­i­er than in its edges. It takes 2–4 hours to reach the first camp (alti­tude — 4300 m). The aver­age steep­ness is 5–10°. The crevass­es usu­al­ly are opened, but the snow­fall may cov­er them, so it is desir­able to move on the glac­i­er in ropes. The first camp is on the moraine where the two glac­i­ers, Inylchek and Semen­ovs­ki, meet.

Part of the track «1–2»

The snow cov­ered south­ern slope of Semen­ovs­ki glac­i­er is 15–20° steep. The ascent lasts 4–6 hours. After the snow­fall there is an avalanche dan­ger. There may be ice­falls from the Cha­paev peak in the upper part of the ascent. The most dan­ger­ous time is between 10:00am and 14:00 pm o’clock. It is desir­able to leave the first camp at 3:00–4:00 am so as to fin­ish this sec­tion before 10:00 am. Dif­fi­cul­ty accord­ing to the UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion is 1.

Part of the track «2–3»

The icy part of Semen­ovs­ki glac­i­er is cov­ered with many ice crevass­es. The aver­age steep­ness is 25–40°. There is a dan­ger of ice­falls. The use of cram­pons may be nec­es­sary depend­ing on the snow con­di­tion. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). The ascent takes 3–5 hours.

Part of the track «3–4»

The upper part of the glac­i­er is shaped like a nar­row long mould 5–10° steep. The ascent takes 2–4 hours. The camp can be made in any part of the mould. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 1 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Camp «2» is on the mould (5300–5400 м) or on the cross­piece (5800 м).

Part of the track «4–5»

Climb to the sad­dle up the snowy slope 30–50° steep. The bergschrund in the low­er part of the slope is usu­al­ly cov­ered with snow. There are con­ve­nient places for dig­ging caves in the low­er part at the lev­el of the bergschrund. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Fur­ther on the climb pro­ceeds from the sad­dle up west­ern side.

Part of the track «5–6»

The begin­ning is a wide snow ridge with lit­tle rock 5–10° steep. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Fur­ther up the rocky ridge with small snowy areas. Steep­ness is 10–30°. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2–3 by UIAA. There are many places for places for putting up tents at alti­tudes up to 6200 m. The rocks are 5–10 m. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 3–4.

Part of the track «6–7»

The rocky ridge 45–55° steep. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 3–4 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion) at an alti­tude of 6400 m there are places for 4 tents. Camp «3» is locat­ed at an alti­tude some­where between 6200 м and 6400 m.

Part of the track «7–8»

The rocky ridge 45–55° steep, dif­fi­cul­ty 3–4, up to an alti­tude of 6650 m. At the alti­tude of 6750 m begins the major chal­lenge — a tech­ni­cal­ly dif­fi­cult but­tress, 150 m high, 60–80° steep. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 3–4 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). In the mid­dle of the but­tress there is a snow-ice couloir 40 m long, 60° steep, with dif­fi­cul­ty 4 by UIAA. If it is nec­es­sary pitch Camp “4” at alti­tude 6700 m.

Part of the track «8–9»

After the but­tress the way to the top is up the rock and snow ridge, 30–40° steep, with dif­fi­cul­ty UIAA – 1–2.


Descent along the ascent path.

Personal and special equipment for climbing Khan-Tengri peak from the South

Equip­ment is not includ­ed in the price of Small and Full ser­vice pack­ages

Spe­cial gear: back­pack (not less than 80 liters), sleep­ing pad, sleep­ing bag (up to ‑30 С), high-alti­tude tent, dou­ble plas­tic moun­taineer­ing boots, cram­pons, ice-axe, cara­bin­ers, har­ness, 2–4 ice screws, 4–8 rock climb­ing hooks, Friends, jumar, 1–2 ropes (5 m long), hel­met, camp­ing gas (5–7 bal­loons), gas burn­er stove.

Per­son­al things: jack­et-wind­break­er and pants-wind­break­er (capron, gore-tex), warm sweater (wool, polartec 300 or wind­blok), T‑shirts, 4 long sleeve shirts, 2–3 sport pants (track pants), 3–4 pairs of cot­ton socks, 3–4 pairs of wool socks, 3–4 sets of under­wear, sun cap, wool or polartec cap, warm jack­et (sin­tepon or fluff), warm pants (sin­tepon or fluff), mit­tens (sin­tepon or fluff) or gloves (wool or polartec).

More equip­ment: sun glass­es, high moun­tain sun­glass­es – 2 pairs , head­lamp, sun mask, sun block cream, lip­care stick„ cup, spoon, bowl, knife, tow­el, soap, tooth brush and paste, per­son­al first aid kit.

Additional Information

Required documents

Visas. For cit­i­zens of the CIS coun­tries and Rus­sia, a visa to Kyr­gyzs­tan is not need­ed, but a pass­port or inter­nal pass­port is need­ed.

For cit­i­zens of Rus­sia and Kaza­khstan, reg­is­tra­tion up to 90 days is not required, for oth­er cit­i­zens of the CIS up to 60 days.


Mov­ing is car­ried out:

«JEEP», «Mit­subishi DELIKA», «UAZ», «Minibus».


In Bishkek, in a guest house, in Karakol, in a 2 * hotel in dou­ble rooms, in the Mai­da-Adyr base camp in dou­ble cot­tages with beds and bed, in Karkara base camp in dou­ble sta­tion­ary tents with pal­lets and with slabs in the base Inylchek camp in dou­ble sta­tion­ary camp­ing tents, with kare­mat, on wood­en pal­lets.

The camps have elec­tric­i­ty 220V, 50HZ, toi­let, show­er or sauna, satel­lite phone.


In cities, dur­ing relo­ca­tions and in base camps — three meals a day. Dur­ing acclima­ti­za­tion excur­sions and ascents, clients eat their high-alti­tude prod­ucts, which are usu­al for climbers.

It is pos­si­ble to pur­chase high-alti­tude prod­ucts at the base camp upon reser­va­tion.

Let us know your request details and we'll get back to you soon!