Ascent to Lenin Peak

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan
Sea­son: June 30 — Sep­tem­ber 30
Deys: 19 / 20 / 22
Height: 7134 m
Dif­fi­cul­ty: 5A

Options for ser­vice pack­ages:
Fixed dates in a group with a guide Bishkek-Bishkek:
$ 2290 USD per per­son
Fixed dates in a group with a guide Osh — Osh:
$2100 USD per per­son

Lenin Peak (a.k.a Ibn Sina Peak) is sit­u­at­ed in the north­ern part of Pamir in Zaalaiskij moun­tain range and it is con­sid­ered to be one of the eas­i­est sev­en-thou­sanders, which you can ascend with­out spe­cial train­ing and high-alti­tude climb­ing expe­ri­ence.

“Tien-Shan Trav­el” offers ascent of Lenin Peak from North­ern side from the Achik-Tash val­ley.


Full package with fixed check-in dates

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $2290 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

- High-alti­tude guide ser­vices – 1 guide is work­ing with 3 pax max­i­mum

- Set of high-alti­tude prod­ucts

- Installed high-alti­tude tents at 5100m, 5300 m and 6100 m (for 2 peo­ple)

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port

- Air flight Bishkek — Osh — Bishkek (the tick­et includes 15 kg of bag­gage; more is paid addi­tion­al­ly — 2–3 USD / kg)

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Bishkek — 2 nights (eear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (accord­ing a pro­gram) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Group equip­ment: rope, gas, gas stove, cook­ing set

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

-  In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

- In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

- Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

-  Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

- Eco­log­i­cal fee

- First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1

Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment

List of the groups for the program “Full package with fixed dates” for 2022 year Option Bishkek – Bishkek


Bishkek-Bishkek (22 days)
01.07 — 22.07
08.07 — 29.07
15.07 — 05.08
22.07 — 12.08
29.07 — 19.08
05.08 — 26.08
12.08 — 02.09
19.08 — 09.09

Short pro­gram:

Day 1. Arrival to the city of Bishkek, accom­mo­da­tion at a local hotel.

Day 2. Flight to Osh. Trans­fer Osh – BC “Achik-Tash” (3600 m).

Day 3. Acclima­ti­za­tion at the Base Camp, a walk to the water­fall.

Day 4. Acclima­ti­za­tion climb to the ridge of Petro­vsky peak.

 Day 5. Trekking to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 6. Ice class­es. Climb­ing the peak of Yukhin 5100 m.

Day 7. Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 8. Trans­fer to Camp 2 (5300 m).

Day 9. Trans­fer to Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 10. Descent to the Base Camp (3600 m).

 Day 11. Day of rest.

Day 12. Prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.

Day 13. Trekking to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 14. Ascent to Camp 2 (5300 m).

 Day 15. Trans­fer to Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 16. Ascent to the top of Lenin peak 7134 m. And descent to the Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 17. Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 18. Descent to the Base Camp (3600 m).

Day 19. Reserve day.

Day 20. Trans­fer BC “Achik-Tash” – Osh. Hotel accom­mo­da­tion.

Day 21. Flight to Bishkek. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.

Day 22. Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.

Standard full package

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $1310 USD per per­son
For the groups over 6 peo­ple we have dis­counts!

The program price includes:

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port, trans­fer to/from the hotel

- Flight Bishkek — Osh — Bishkek (the tick­et includes 15 kg of bag­gage; more is paid addi­tion­al­ly — 2–3 USD / kg)

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Bishkek — 2 nights (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (no lim­it of days) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

- In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

-  In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

- Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

-  Eco­log­i­cal fee

-  Con­sul­tant guide ser­vices

-  First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1


Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Moun­tain guide and porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment

Trans­port sched­ule for 2022:Osh-BL-Osh
July: 2,5,7,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
August: 1,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,15,17,19,20,22,23,24,26,28,29,31
Sep­tem­ber: 3,5,7
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Climbing Lenin Peak under the guidance of a High Altitude Guide

Num­ber of days: 22

The program price includes:

- High-alti­tude guide ser­vices – 1 guide is work­ing with 3 pax max­i­mum

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port, trans­fer to/from the hotel

- Flight Bishkek — Osh — Bishkek (the tick­et includes 15 kg of bag­gage; more is paid addi­tion­al­ly — 2–3 USD / kg)

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Bishkek — 2 nights (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (no lim­it of days) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

- In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

-  In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

- Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

-  Eco­log­i­cal fee

-  Con­sul­tant guide ser­vices

-  First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1

Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Moun­tain guide and porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment


Climbing Lenin Peak — VIP Package

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $3980 USD per per­son.

The program price includes:

• High-alti­tude guide ser­vices

• Meet­ing and see­ing off at Man­as Air­port (Bishkek) and trans­fer to and from the hotel
• Meet­ing and see­ing off at Osh Air­port and trans­fer to and from the hotel
• Flight Bishkek- Osh – Bishkek
• Accom­mo­da­tion:
- Bishkek – hotel 4* (2 night) – sin­gle room accom­mo­da­tion.
- Osh – hotel 2–3* ( 2 nights) — sin­gle room accom­mo­da­tion
- Base Camp — sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in base tents with sleep­ing pads – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 22-days pro­gram)
- Camp 1 – sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in base tents with sleep­ing pads and floor­ing – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 22-days pro­gram)
• Meal – Full Board
- Bishkek – 2 days
- Osh – 2 days
- On the route Osh – Base Camp and Base Camp – Osh
- Base Camp – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 22-days pro­gram)
- Camp 1 – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 22-days pro­gram)
• Trans­fer Osh – Base Camp and Base Camp – Osh
• Show­er in Base Camp
• Show­er or sauna in Camp 1
• High alti­tude guide (BC – BC)
• High alti­tude tent (if required), rope, gas burn­er, dish­es set, radio-tele­phone
• Trans­fer of per­son­al belong­ings from Base Camp to Camp 1 (by horse 20 kg)
• Placed tents in Camp 2 (5300 m) and Camp 3 (6100 m)
• High alti­tude food (please, send the list of prefer­able prod­ucts in advance)
• Gas car­tridges
• Using din­ner place, toi­let, stor­age cave and elec­tric­i­ty to charge accu­mu­la­tors and bat­ter­ies.
• Using radio con­nec­tion (walkie-talkie) dur­ing the acclima­ti­za­tion and ascent activ­i­ties to con­tact with the Camp 1
• Route con­sul­ta­tion
• Med­ical con­sul­ta­tion
• Fixed ropes on the route
• Bor­der per­mit and all nec­es­sary papers, visa sup­port if need­ed
• Eco­log­i­cal fees
• Inter­preter guide in Bishkek, Osh, on the route Osh – BC – Osh

Price doesn’t include:

• Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30 000) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.
• Inter­na­tion­al flights
• Visa
• Dish­es and drinks which aren’t includ­ed into the main menu
• Per­son­al expens­es


Tour program (option 1) of the Bishkek — Bishkek service package

Day 1
Arrival to Bishkek, flight to Osh. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 2
Dri­ve (about 9 hours) to the Achik-Tash grove (3700m), where is a Base Camp. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 3
Day at “Achik-Tash”. Acclima­ti­za­tion ascent to the near­est slopes up to height of 4200–4400m. Return to the camp. Prepa­ra­tion of equip­ment and a food for ascent.
Day 4
After break­fast hik­ing to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 5–8 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion at the base camp’s tents.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion, prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.
Day 6
Ascent up to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–11 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 7
Ascent up to the Camp 3 (6100m), 5–6 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 8
Ascent up to the height of 6400m and descent down to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–10 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 9
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 3–4 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 10
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”(3700m), 4–5 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 11–12
Days of rest.
Day 13
Ascent to the Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 14
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 15
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 16
Ascent to the Camp 4 (6400–6600 m)
Day 17
Ascent up to the top. The height of top is 7134 m. Descent to the Camp 4 (6400–6600 m)
Day 18
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 19
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”
Day 20
Dri­ve to Osh city. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port, flight to Bishkek. Accom­mo­da­tion at guest­house.
Day 22
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture from Bishkek.

Tour program (option 2) of the Bishkek — Bishkek service package

Day 1
Arrival to Bishkek, flight to Osh. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 2
Dri­ve (about 9 hours) to the Achik-Tash grove (3700m), where is a Base Camp. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 3
Day at “Achik-Tash”. Acclima­ti­za­tion ascent to the near­est slopes up to height of 4200–4400m. Return to the camp. Prepa­ra­tion of equip­ment and a food for ascent.
Day 4
After break­fast hik­ing to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 5–8 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion at the base camp’s tents.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion, prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.
Day 6
Ascent up to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–11 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 7
Ascent up to the Camp 3 (6100m), 5–6 hours and descend to Camp 1. Overnight in tents.
Day 8
Rest day . Overnight in tents.
Day 9
Rest day . Overnight in tents.
Day 10
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 11
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 12
Ascent to the Camp 4 (6400 m) and descend to Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 13
Day of rest in Camp 1. Overnight in tents
Day 14
Day of rest in Camp 1. Overnight in tents
Day 15
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 16
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 17
Ascent up to the top. The height of top is 7134 m. Descent to the Camp 3
Day 18
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m). Overnight in base tents
Day 19
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”. Overnight in base tents
Day 20
Dri­ve to Osh city. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port, flight to Bishkek. Accom­mo­da­tion at guest­house.
Day 22
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture from Bishkek.

Full package with fixed check-in dates

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $2100 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

- High-alti­tude guide ser­vices – 1 guide is work­ing with 3 pax max­i­mum

- Set of high-alti­tude prod­ucts

- Installed high-alti­tude tents at 5100m, 5300 m and 6100 m (for 2 peo­ple)

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (accord­ing a pro­gram) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Group equip­ment: rope, gas, gas stove, cook­ing set

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

- In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

-  In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

-  Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

- Eco­log­i­cal fee

- First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1

Price doesn’t include:

  • Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30 000) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment

List of the groups for the program “Full package with fixed dates” for 2021 year Option: Osh-Osh


Osh-Osh (20 days)
02.07 — 21.07
09.07 — 28.07
16.07 — 04.08
23.07 — 11.08
30.07 — 18.08
06.08 — 25.08
13.08 — 01.09
20.08 — 08.09

Short pro­gram:

Day 1. Arrival to Osh. Trans­fer Osh – BC “Achik-Tash” (3600 m).

Day 2. Acclima­ti­za­tion at the Base Camp, a walk to the water­fall.

Day 3. Acclima­ti­za­tion climb to the ridge of Petro­vsky peak.

 Day 4. Trekking to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 5. Ice class­es. Climb­ing the peak of Yukhin 5100 m.

Day 6. Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 7. Trans­fer to Camp 2 (5300 m).

Day 8. Trans­fer to Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 9. Descent to the Base Camp (3600 m).

 Day 10. Day of rest.

Day 11. Prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.

Day 12. Trekking to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 13. Ascent to Camp 2 (5300 m).

 Day 14. Trans­fer to Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 15. Ascent to the top of Lenin peak 7134 m. And descent to the Camp 3 (6100 m).

Day 16. Descent to Camp 1 (4400 m).

Day 17. Descent to the Base Camp (3600 m).

Day 18. Reserve day.

Day 19. Trans­fer BC “Achik-Tash” – Osh. Hotel accom­mo­da­tion.

Day 20. Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.

Standard full package

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $1000 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (no lim­it of days) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

-  In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

- In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

-  Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

- Eco­log­i­cal fee

- Con­sul­tant guide ser­vices

- First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1

Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Moun­tain guide and porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment

Trans­port sched­ule for 2022:Osh-BL-Osh
July: 2,5,7,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
August: 1,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,15,17,19,20,22,23,24,26,28,29,31
Sep­tem­ber: 3,5,7
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Climbing Lenin Peak under the guidance of a High Altitude Guide


The program price includes:

- High-alti­tude guide ser­vices – 1 guide is work­ing with 3 pax max­i­mum

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Meet­ing and see­ing off to / from the air­port

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel with break­fast in Osh — 1 night (ear­ly check-in for addi­tion­al pay­ment)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (no lim­it of days) in tents (2 peo­ple). Each tent is equipped with mat­tress­es and wood­en plat­forms. In the Base Camp, elec­tric­i­ty is sup­plied to each tent.

- Three meals a day in BC and in C1 accord­ing to the “buf­fet” sys­tem. C1 pro­vides an ear­ly break­fast from 3:00 to 4:00 on request

- Use of the din­ing room, toi­let, stor­age room

-  In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

- In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

-  Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

- Eco­log­i­cal fee

- Con­sul­tant guide ser­vices

- First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1



Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment


Climbing Lenin Peak — VIP Package

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: $2790 USD per per­son.

The program price includes:

• High-alti­tude guide ser­vices

•Meet­ing and see­ing off at Osh Air­port and trans­fer to and from the hotel
• Accom­mo­da­tion:
- Osh – hotel 2–3* ( 3 nights) — sin­gle room accom­mo­da­tion
- Base Camp — sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in base tents with sleep­ing pads – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 21-days pro­gram)
- Camp 1 – sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in base tents with sleep­ing pads and floor­ing – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 21-days pro­gram)
• Meal – Full Board
- Osh – 3 days
- On the route Osh – Base Camp and Base Camp – Osh
- Base Camp – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 21-days pro­gram)
- Camp 1 – unlim­it­ed num­ber of days (with­in the bounds of 21-days pro­gram)
• Trans­fer Osh – Base Camp and Base Camp – Osh
• Show­er in Base Camp
• Show­er or sauna in Camp 1
• High alti­tude guide (BC – BC)
• High alti­tude tent, rope, gas burn­er, cram­pons, ice axe, dish­es set
• Placed tents in Camp 2 (5300 m) and Camp 3 (6100 m)
• High alti­tude food (please, send the list of prefer­able prod­ucts in advance)
• Gas car­tridges
• Using din­ner place, toi­let, stor­age cave and elec­tric­i­ty to charge accu­mu­la­tors and bat­ter­ies.
• Using radio con­nec­tion (walkie-talkie) dur­ing the acclima­ti­za­tion and ascent activ­i­ties to con­tact with the Camp 1
• Route con­sul­ta­tion
• Med­ical con­sul­ta­tion
• Fixed ropes on the route
• Bor­der per­mit and all nec­es­sary papers, visa sup­port if need­ed
• Eco­log­i­cal fees
• Inter­preter guide in Osh, on the route Osh – BC – Osh
• Excur­sion in Osh (+ all entrance fee)

Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment


Small Pack Osh — Osh

Num­ber of days: 22
Cost: from $350 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

- Bound­ary zone per­mit, OVIR reg­is­tra­tion

- Trans­fer Osh — BC Achik-Tash — Osh (accord­ing to the sched­ule)

- Trans­fer BC — Luko­vaya Polyana — BC (accord­ing to sched­ule)

- Lunch on the road Osh — Achik-Tash — Osh

- Accom­mo­da­tion in BC and C1 (no lim­it of days) in own tents.

- Use of the BC and C1 facil­i­ties (elec­tric­i­ty, hot water for cook­ing, toi­let, stor­age room)

-  In BC — hot show­er, in C1 — wash­room

- In BC — a con­stant source of elec­tric­i­ty, 220V, in L1 — elec­tric­i­ty from a gen­er­a­tor 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 to 22:00

-  Sup­ply­ing with the radio con­tact on the route

- Reg­is­tra­tion in the res­cue team

- Eco­log­i­cal fee

- Con­sul­tant guide ser­vices

- First aid and con­sul­ta­tion of doc­tor in BC and C1

Price doesn’t include:

- Insur­ance pol­i­cy from acci­dent (amount of insur­ance must be not less than $30000 USD) – it is nec­es­sary term when you buy one of our tours.

- Cost of a Kyr­gyz VISA

- Inter­na­tion­al flights

- Sup­ple­ment for sin­gle accom­mo­da­tion in the hotel

- Ear­ly check-in / late check-out at the hotel

- All addi­tion­al devi­a­tions from the main route

- Drinks and meals not includ­ed in the main menu

- All per­son­al expens­es (addi­tion­al bag­gage charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expens­es, insur­ance, etc.)

- Moun­tain guide and porter‘s ser­vices

- Rent of equip­ment

You can choose any con­ve­nient option for the tour pro­gram below, or you can devel­op an ascent route that is suit­able for you.
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Tour program (option 1) of the Osh — Osh service package

Day 1
Arrival to Osh. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 2
Dri­ve (about 9 hours) to the Achik-Tash grove (3700m), where is a Base Camp. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 3
Day at “Achik-Tash”. Acclima­ti­za­tion ascent to the near­est slopes up to height of 4200–4400m. Return to the camp. Prepa­ra­tion of equip­ment and a food for ascent.
Day 4
After break­fast hik­ing to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 5–8 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion at the base camp’s tents.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion, prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.
Day 6
Ascent up to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–11 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 7
Ascent up to the Camp 3 (6100m), 5–6 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 8
Ascent up to the height of 6400m and descent down to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–10 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 9
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 3–4 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 10
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”(3700m), 4–5 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 11–12
Days of rest.
Day 13
Ascent to the Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 14
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 15
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 16
Ascent to the Camp 4 (6400–6600 m)
Day 17
Ascent up to the top. The height of top is 7134 m. Descent to the Camp 4 (6400–6600 m)
Day 18
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 19
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”
Day 20
Dri­ve to Osh city. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture from Osh.

Tour program (option 2) of the Osh — Osh service package

Day 1
Arrival to Osh. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 2
Dri­ve (about 9 hours) to the Achik-Tash grove (3700m), where is a Base Camp. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 3
Day at “Achik-Tash”. Acclima­ti­za­tion ascent to the near­est slopes up to height of 4200–4400m. Return to the camp. Prepa­ra­tion of equip­ment and a food for ascent.
Day 4
After break­fast hik­ing to the Camp 1 (4200 m), 5–8 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion at the base camp’s tents.
Day 5
Acclima­ti­za­tion, prepa­ra­tion for the ascent.
Day 6
Ascent up to the Camp 2 (5300 m), 8–11 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents.
Day 7
Ascent up to the Camp 3 (6100m), 5–6 hours and descend to Camp 1. Overnight in tents.
Day 8
Rest day. Overnight in tents.
Day 9
Rest day. Overnight in tents.
Day 10
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 11
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 12
Ascent to the Camp 4 (6400 m) and descend to Camp 1 (4200 m)
Day 13
Day of rest in Camp 1. Overnight in tents.
Day 14
Day of rest in Camp 1. Overnight in tents.
Day 15
Ascent to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 16
Ascent to the Camp 3 (6100 m)
Day 17
Ascent up to the top. The height of top is 7134 m. Descent to the Camp 3
Day 18
Descent to the Camp 1 (4200 m). Overnight in base tents
Day 19
Descent to the BC “Achik-Tash”. Overnight in base tents
Day 20
Dri­ve to Osh city. Accom­mo­da­tion at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.

Description of the route to Lenin Peak (7134 m) along the western ridge through Razdelnaya

Part of the track «0–1»

«Luko­vaya glade» (3800 m) – Camp 1 (4200 m). Walk to the Putesh­estven­nikov pass (4150 m) along the good path, 1–1,5 hours. Then descent from the pass to the left moraine of the Lenin glac­i­er (30–40 min.). There is a riv­er that has to be passed ear­ly in the morn­ing, while lit­tle water. If there is a lot of water (in the evening) there have to be used fixed rope. It takes 4–5 hours.

Part of the track «1–2»

Camp 1 (4200 m) – Camp 2 (5300 m). Rec­om­mend­ed start­ing time is 6:00–7:00 am. Walk along the Lenin glac­i­er (steep­ness is 5–10°). (Note: after snow­fall you must move in bunch, because of ice crevass­es). Fur­ther is steep snow-ice slope (40–45°). The use of cram­pons and fixed ropes are nec­es­sary (1 hour). The dif­fi­cul­ty is 3–4 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Then gen­tly slop­ing (15–25°), but mov­ing is only in bunch, some­where fixed ropes, as there is wide crevass­es up to 5100 m. 2–3 hours. часа. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Tra­verse through the snow slope to the right (steep­ness is 15–20°). Fur­ther is table with wide crevass­es. 1–2 hours. There is also bet­ter to go in bunch. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 1–2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion), height is 5300 m. Pitch­ing up the Camp 2 on the scree slope.

Part of the track «2–3»

Camp 2 (5300 m) – Camp 3 (6100 m). Rec­om­mend­ed time to start from the Camp 2 is not lat­er than 8:00 am. First there is snow-ice slope with crevass­es (steep­ness is 5–10°). The use of cram­pons and fixed ropes are nec­es­sary. 2–3 hours. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2–3 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Mov­ing along the ridge towards the Razdel’naya peak (6148 m), There is a deep snow as a rule. Tra­verse of the peak on its left (steep­ness is up to 50°). 3–4 hours. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 3–4 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Camp 3 (61000 m) in the sad­dle, beyond the Razdel’naya. This place is good for camp, but strong wind at nights, there­fore it is advis­able to do snow wall.

Part of the track «3–4»

Camp 3 (6100 m) – Camp 4 (6400 m). Rec­om­mend­ed time to start from the Camp 3 is not lat­er than 9:00 am. First on the steep (30–40°) ice-rocky slope, 2–3 hours. Then along the nar­row ridge up to “Nozh” (“Knife”). “Nozh” (“Knife”) passed using fixed ropes. Total time is 2–3 hours. Reach the trough, pitch­ing the Camp 4 (6400 m). The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2–4 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion).

Part of the track «4–5»

Camp 4 (6400 m) – sum­mit (7134 m). Rec­om­mend­ed time to start from the Camp 4 is not lat­er than 9:00 am. Ascent on the easy rocky ridge (steep­ness is 15–30°) to the snow plateau (6900–7000 m); 3–4 hours. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 2–3 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion). Fur­ther by the snow plateau (steep­ness is 10–15°) reach the top of the Lenin peak; 1,5–2 hours. The dif­fi­cul­ty is 1–2 (UIAA clas­si­fi­ca­tion).

Descent to the Camp 4 or Camp 3 in the same day. Then to the BC and Achik-Tash. The descent takes 1–2 days, by the ascent route.

Personal and special gear to climb Lenin Peak

Spe­cial gear: back­pack (not less than 80 liters), sleep­ing pad, sleep­ing bag (up to ‑30 С), high-alti­tude tent, plas­tic dou­ble boots, cram­pons, ice-axe, cara­bin­er, har­ness, 2–3 ice screws, 3–4 hard­ware, jumar, 1–2 ropes (5 m long), hel­met, camp­ing gas (5–7 bal­loons), head burn­er.

Per­son­al things: jack­et-wind­break­er and pants-wind­break­er (капрон, gore-tex), warm sweater (wool, polartec 300 or wind­blok), T‑shirts, 4 shirts, 2–3 sport pants (track pants), 3–4 pairs of cot­ton socks, 3–4 pairs of wool socks, 3–4 sets of under­wear, sun cap, wool or polartec cap, warm jack­et (down par­ka), warm pants, mit­tens or gloves (wool or polartec).

More equip­ment: sun glass­es – 2 pairs head­lamp, sun mask, sun block cream, lip care stick„ cup, spoon, bowl, knife, tow­el, soap, tooth brush and paste, per­son­al first aid kit.

Additional Information

Required documents

Kyr­gyz visa. Reg­is­tra­tion in OVIR. Bor­der per­mit. To arrange bor­der per­mit we need the fol­low­ing details not lat­er than 3 weeks before arrival: full name, date of birth, pass­port No, cit­i­zen­ship.


Trans­fers are:

From Osh to the Achik-Tash Camp and back by by full dri­ve vehi­cles (“JEEP”, “Mitzu­bishi DELICA”. UAZ 452 and Minibus).

Accommodation and meals

Accord­ing to the pro­gram.

Let us know your request details and we'll get back to you soon!