Rock walls of Liailiak and Karavshin

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan
Sea­son: June – Sep­tem­ber
Days: 21
Height: ≈ 5000 m
Dif­fi­cul­ty: dif­fer­ent

Options for ser­vice pack­ages:
Liail­i­ak Gorge:
from $1550 USD per per­son.
Kar­avshin Gorge:
from $1650 USD per per­son.

That is the pro­gram for high-class alpin­ists, spe­cial­ized on the wall-ascents.

There are some sum­mits, which are quite dif­fer­ent from oth­er moun­tains in the low­er part of the Liail­i­ak and Kar­avshin rivers on the South­ern Kyr­gyzs­tan ter­ri­to­ry. They look like the moun­tains in South Patag­o­nia but they are high­er and have rock walls of 2 km. The moun­tains in the basin of the Liail­i­ak riv­er are more per­spec­tive for ascents: Ak-Suu 5355 m, Blok 5229 m, Iskan­der 5120 m. There is the high­est point of this region the Pirami­dal­nyi peak 5509 m in the basin of the Kar­avshin riv­er in 30 km to the east. Near you can see moun­tains with rock walls. That is Asan-Usan peak and the 1000-years of Rus­sia peak. From the base camps lead short approach­es (about 5 km). Steep­ness is of 60–90 degrees.


Tour program for the Liailiak Gorge

Day 1
Arrival in the city of Osh. Meet­ing at the air­port. Trans­fer to the vil­lage Uzgorush.
Day 2
Trekking to the BC under the Ak-Su peak (2400m), 8–10 hours. Bag­gage trans­porta­tion on horse­back. Accom­mo­da­tion in tents or a yurt.
Day 3–18
Acclima­ti­za­tion, climb­ing.
Day 19
Trekking to the vil­lage Uzgorush.
Day 20
Trans­fer to the city of Osh. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Tour price for Liailiak Gorges in USD

Group (per­son)
Per per­son

The program price includes:

- Meet­ing / see­ing off at the air­port
— Trans­fers: Osh-Uzgorush, Uzgorosh — Osh
— Trans­porta­tion of per­son­al car­go on horse­back to the BC and back to Ozgorush
— Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel in Osh 1 night
— Accom­mo­da­tion in base camps
— Meals on the go, in the cities and in the base camp
— Con­sul­ta­tions along the route
— Show­er or sauna in the base camp
— Per­mis­sion to the bor­der zone

Price doesn’t include:

- Inter­na­tion­al flights
— Meals dur­ing climb­ing and acclima­ti­za­tion exits
— Use of satel­lite phone (at a rate)
— Insur­ance is sim­ple and climb­ing.
— Fuel (gas, gaso­line) for stoves or burn­ers
— Guide-trans­la­tor on the way and in the Base Camp
— Visa

All expens­es for the res­cue activ­i­ties shall be cov­ered by the client’s insur­ance pol­i­cy. Every client must have amount of insur­ance not less than $10000 USA.

Tour program for Karavshin gorge

Day 1
Arrival in the city of Osh. Meet­ing at the air­port. Trans­fer to the vil­lage Uzgorush / Sary-Jazz.
Day 2–3
Trekking to Kar­avshin gorge to the base camp. Bag­gage trans­porta­tion on horse­back.
Day 4–17
Acclima­ti­za­tion, climb­ing.
Day 18–19
Trekking to the vil­lage Uzgorush / Sary-Jazz.
Day 20
Trans­fer to the city of Osh. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 21
Trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Tour price for Karavshin gorge in USD

Group (per­son)
Per per­son

The program price includes:

- Meet­ing / see­ing off at the air­port
— Trans­fers: Osh-Uzgorush, Uzgorosh — Osh
— Trans­porta­tion of per­son­al car­go on horse­back to the BC and back to Ozgorush
— Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel in Osh 1 night
— Accom­mo­da­tion in base camps
— Meals on the go, in the cities and in the base camp
— Con­sul­ta­tions along the route
— Show­er or sauna in the base camp
— Per­mis­sion to the bor­der zone

Price doesn’t include:

- Inter­na­tion­al flights
— Meals dur­ing climb­ing and acclima­ti­za­tion exits
— Use of satel­lite phone (at a rate)
— Insur­ance is sim­ple and climb­ing.
— Fuel (gas, gaso­line) for stoves or burn­ers
— Guide-trans­la­tor on the way and in the Base Camp
— Visa

All expens­es for the res­cue activ­i­ties shall be cov­ered by the client’s insur­ance pol­i­cy. Every client must have amount of insur­ance not less than $10000 USA.

Personal and special equipment for climbing the walls of Lyailak and Karavshin

Spe­cial equip­ment: back­pack (at least 80 liters), rug, sleep­ing bag (up to –30 C), high-alti­tude tent, high-alti­tude moun­tain plas­tic boots, climb­ing cats, ice ax, car­bines, safe­ty sys­tem, 4–5 ice drills, 5–10 rock hooks, embed­ded ele­ments or friend, jumar clamp, 1–2 lan­yards, hel­met, gas camp­ing cylin­ders 7–9 pcs, gas burn­er.

Basic set: wind­proof suit (capron, gore-tex), warm sweater (wool, polartec 300 or wind­blok), t‑shirts, long-sleeved shirts 4 pcs., pants (sweat­pants) 2 ‑3 pcs., Cot­ton socks 3–4 pairs, wool socks 3–4 pairs, under­wear 3–4 sets, sun cap, hat (woolen or polartec), warm jack­et (syn­thet­ic win­ter­iz­er or fluff), warm pants ( syn­thet­ic win­ter­iz­er or fluff), mit­tens (syn­thet­ic win­ter­iz­er or fluff) gloves (wool or polartec).

Extra equip­ment: Sun­glass­es, high-alti­tude glass­es — 2 pcs., head­lamp, sun mask, sun­block, hygien­ic lip­stick, mug, spoon, bowl, knife, tow­el, soap, tooth­brush and tooth­paste , first-aid kit.

Additional Information

Required documents

Kyr­gyz visa if need. Reg­is­tra­tion in OVIR. Bor­der per­mit. To arrange bor­der per­mit we need the fol­low­ing details not lat­er than 1 month before arrival: full name, date of birth, pass­port No, cit­i­zen­ship.


Three meals a day are in towns, dur­ing the trans­fers and the Base camp. Dur­ing acclima­ti­za­tion and climb­ing activ­i­ties clients must have their own high-alti­tude food.

There is pos­si­bil­i­ty to buy high-alti­tude food at the Base Camp accord­ing to the advance order.

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