
Loca­tion: Chi­na
Sea­son: June 1 — August 31
Deys: 25
Height: 7546 m

Full pack­age:
from €2706 EUR per per­son

Muz­tag-Ata is a sum­mit of 7546 m locat­ed in the Kun-Lun Range on the ter­ri­to­ry of Chi­na, not far from Kash­gar.

The sum­mit has gen­tle slopes of 25–30 degrees steep­ness. It gives good pos­si­bil­i­ty to ascend up the sum­mit on skies.

The clas­si­cal route goes along the most north­ern snow-icy slope of the peak.

This route is almost straight, with­out any tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties.


The program of the tour “Climbing the peak of Muztag-Ata (7546 m)”

Day 1
Arrival in Bishkek. Trans­fer to Naryn or to Tash-Rabat. Guest­house or yurts. (B, L, D)
Day 2
Trans­fer Naryn or Tash-Rabat – Toru­gart . Cross­ing the bor­der to Chi­na and meet with Chi­nese part­ners. Trans­fer Toru­gart — Kash­gar. Hotel. (B, L, D)
Day 3
Trans­fer Kash­gar – Sub­ashi. Camp. (B, L, D)
Day 4
Trans­fer to the base camp near the Muz­tag-Ata Peak using pack camels. (B, D)
Day 5–20
Ascent Muz­tag-Ata, includ­ing acclima­ti­za­tion and extra days in case of the bad weath­er. (B, L, D at the BC only.)
Day 21
BC – Sub­ashi. Dri­ve to Kash­gar. Hotel. (B)
Day 22
Sight­see­ing around Kash­gar. Hotel. (B, L, D)
Day 23
Dri­ve Kash­gar — Toru­gart. Cross­ing the bor­der to Kyr­gyzs­tan. Trans­fer Toru­gart – Naryn or Tash-Rabat. Guest­house or yurts. (B, L, D)
Day 24
Dri­ve Naryn or Tash-Rabat — Bishkek. Hotel. (B, L, D)
Day 25
Fly home. (B)
The pro­gram may vary depend­ing on your cho­sen climb­ing tac­tics, weath­er con­di­tions and route con­di­tions.

Price of the Full package “Climbing the peak of Muztag-Ata” in EUR

Group (per­son)
12 and more
Per per­son

The program price includes:

All trans­fers; meals accord­ing to the pro­gram (B – break­fast, L — lunch, D – din­ner); dou­ble room accom­mo­da­tion at 2* hotels (1 night in Bishkek; 2 nights in Naryn/ or in Tash-Rabat in yurts; 3 nights in Kash­gar), yurts in Sub­ashi (1 night, 6–8 per­sons in a yurt), in dou­ble tents or in yurts at the Base Camp.
Pack camels from Sub­ashi to the BC and back for car­ry­ing lug­gage. Cook at the BC and using a mess tent. All nec­es­sary per­mits and visa sup­port for Chi­na. Eng­lish-speak­ing guide, city tour in Kash­gar; liai­son offi­cer in Chi­na.

Price doesn’t include:

Chi­nese visa, inter­na­tion­al flight, sin­gle sup­ply, high-alti­tude guide, porters’ ser­vice above BC, high-alti­tude food and tents above BC, any per­son­al equip­ment.

All expens­es for the res­cue activ­i­ties shall be cov­ered by the client’s insur­ance pol­i­cy. Every client must have amount of insur­ance not less than €30000 EUR.

Description of the route to Muztag-Ata peak (7546 m)

Part of the track «0–1»


Part of the track «1–2»


Part of the track «2–3»


Part of the track «3–4»


Part of the track «4–5»


Part of the track «5–6»


Part of the track «6–7»


Descent along the ascent path


Personal and special equipment for climbing the peak of Muztag-Ata


Additional Information

Required documents








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