Ski — Tour in Karkara

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan, Issykul region
Sea­son: Decem­ber-March
Day: 8
Dif­fi­cul­ty: light, medi­um

Price of ski tour in Karkara:
from $1180 USD per per­son.

The base of Karkar is locat­ed 88 kilo­me­ters from the vil­lage of Tyup and the main high­way Bishkek — Karakol along the north­ern coast.

Slopes for begin­ners to go ski­ing as well as for par­tic­i­pants of the expert lev­el. The lev­el of snow cov­er, depend­ing on the expo­sure, is from 60 to 120 cm.

The Karkara camp has warm cot­tages, a bath­house, a kitchen, a yurt with a stove and a place for dry­ing things. Ski­ing skill is not much impor­tant. A lot of peo­ple learn ski­ing dur­ing the trip. On down­hill ski­ing you will be over­whelmed with joy and pride of your­self. Every day you will have new chal­lenges and new achieve­ments. You will expe­ri­ence unfor­get­table feel­ings!
Ski­ing tour in Tien-Shan Moun­tains is the great pos­si­bil­i­ty to be pre­pared for big ski­ing tours in the whole world.

This pro­gram will give you an oppor­tu­ni­ty get to feel Kyr­gyz mountain’s spir­it.


Ski-tour program in Karkar

Day 1
Arrival in Kyr­gyzs­tan, pick up at the air­port, trans­fer to Karkara camp (2200 m.). Accom­mo­da­tion at the cot­tages.
Day 2–7
Ski­ing tour to the near­est Charkuduk pass, Tup val­ley, Tuz gorge and Urchash­ka. (ver­ti­cal ele­va­tion dif­fer­ence from 300 m. to 800 m.). Overnights at the cot­tages of Karkara camp.
Day 8
After lunch dri­ve to Bishkek. Farewell din­ner in the restau­rant. Trans­fer to the air­port for flight back home. Break­fast in the camp, prepa­ra­tion for leav­ing. Trans­fer to Bishkek and then to air­port. Depar­ture to home.

Price of ski-tour in Karkar in USD

Cost: $1180 USD per per­son
  • .


The program price includes:

- accom­mo­da­tion in Karkara base camp with full board (hot break­fast and din­ner, and lunch-box­es for lunch) – 7 nights;
- ski guide and assis­tance (for groups 5 and more per­son)
- full-board for the whole trip
snow­mo­bile for deliv­er­ing — skiers to the foot of slopes
- all trans­fers per the pro­gram
- bor­der per­mit
- ecol­o­gy fees per the pro­gram

Price doesn’t include:

• hotel in Bishkek
• visa sup­port let­ter and con­sular fee (if nec­es­sary)
• any extra ser­vices out of the main pro­gram
• food and bev­er­ages which are not includ­ed on the main menu
• oth­er per­son­al expens­es (fee for extra weight of the lug­gage, room ser­vice, med­ical insurance/expenses, etc.)

The pro­gram is designed for begin­ners as well as for con­fi­dent skiers ski­ing off-piste.

Additional Information

The equip­ment below is rec­om­mend­ed to take with you for the ski tour pro­gram:


1. Beep­er
2. Avalanche probe
3. Snow shov­el
4. Ski hel­met (option­al)
5. Back­pack with ABS (option­al)


1. Ski / snow­board
2. Ski tour boots / snow­board boots
3. Ski sticks or tele­scop­ic poles
4. Alpine mask
5. Ski skin

Clothes and equipment

1. Back­pack — 25–40 l.
2. Sleep­ing bag ‑1
3. Head lamp ‑1 + set of spare bat­ter­ies
4. Fold­ing knife – 1
5. Ski jack­et ‑1
6. Gorteks: pants, jaket – 1set.
7. Polartec jack­et 200 ‑1 pants – 1
8. Ther­mal cloth­ing – 1set.
9. Polartec 100 – 1set.
10. Warm gloves – 2 pair + wind­proof gloves ‑1pair
11. Warm hat ‑1
12. Neck face mask ‑1
13. Warm socks ‑2 pairs
14. Just socks; option­al.
15. Sun pro­tec­tion cream
16. Trekking boots (alter­na­tive shoes)
17. Sun­glass­es
18. Per­son­al first-aid kit


In cities, dur­ing trips and in base camps — three meals a day.

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