Ski-tour in the central part of Terskey Ala-Too Range

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan
Sea­son: Mid of Decem­ber– End of March
Day: 10
Dif­fi­cul­ty: medi­um

Terskey Ala-Too ski tour price:
from $1190 USD per per­son.

The cen­tral part of Terskey Ala-Too Range is locat­ed in the east part of exten­sive Issyk-Kul hol­low. Close­ness of a huge lake and Terskey Ala-Too moun­tain range pro­vides high humid­i­ty and high pre­cip­i­ta­tion rates dur­ing win­ter months in form of snow.

Sea­son starts in the mid of Decem­ber and con­tin­ues up to the end of March. The snowiest months are Jan­u­ary- March. In some places snow lay­er can be as high as 150 sm. There are some­times long peri­ods with­out snow­fall so skiers have to ski rub­ber like snow, how­ev­er vari­ety and quan­ti­ty of slopes around us don’t leave us a chance to be bored! At the end of Octo­ber some slopes are cov­ered with 30–40 sm snow lay­er.

About ski­ing:

The pro­gram is suit­able for expe­ri­enced off ski road skiers. The ski­ing area is very exten­sive, the steep­ness of the slopes is 20 – 45 degrees. Dif­fer­ence in high lev­el is up to 1000 – 1200 meters. There are dif­fer­ent ski­ing areas for assent and descent with vari­ety of ter­rain.

Ascent vari­ants and num­ber of descents are cho­sen by the guides in accor­dance with prepa­ra­tion of the group, ski­ing expe­ri­ence and mem­bers’ pref­er­ences. Dif­fi­cul­ty lev­els of the routes are dif­fer­ent, so we have some­thing to offer both expe­ri­enced free rides and those who just start mas­ter­ing back­coun­try. There are one-day walk­ing (ski-tour) segues and moun­tain ascents dur­ing the pro­gram that requires pre- tour phys­i­cal prepa­ra­tion and work­out.

Bear in mind that off ski road ski­ing is extreme and poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous type of sport. Non com­pli­ance with safe­ty reg­u­la­tions and the guide’s instruc­tions can cause trau­ma.


Terskei Ala-Too ski-tour program

Day 1
Meet­ing at “Man­as” air­port. Trans­fer to Bishkek. Accom­mo­da­tion in “Tien-Shan” guest house. Rest. Lunch in the city. After lunch sight­see­ing: State His­tor­i­cal Muse­um, Ala-Too Cen­tral Square . Din­ner in the city. Return to the guest house.
Day 2
Trans­fer to Karakol (420km, 6–7 hours) along the north­ern shore of the Issyk-Kul Lake. On the way vis­it the archae­o­log­i­cal com­plex “Burana Tow­er” of the 11th cen­tu­ry. Accom­mo­da­tion in Karakol in the guest house. Meet with guide/guides, a pre­lim­i­nary overview of the snow sit­u­a­tion and a short lec­ture on avalanche safe­ty.
Day 3
Ear­ly in the morn­ing trans­fer to the Bozuchuk gorge (40km, 50 min.) up to the height of 1860m. Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes up to 1200m, steep­ness of the slopes are 25- 45°. (Required lev­el of skiers is from aver­age to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 4
Ear­ly in the morn­ing trans­fer to the Djerges gorge (30km, 40 min.) up to the height of 1880m. Approach from the car to the moun­tain is 4 km on skis. Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes up to 1000m, steep­ness of the slopes are 25–45 °. (Required lev­el of skiers is from beg­gin­er to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 5
Ear­ly in the morn­ing trans­fer to the Kerge-Tash gorge (25km, 30 min.) up to the height 1880m. Approach from the car to the descent point is 3–4 hours. Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes up to 800m, steep­ness of the slopes are 35–45 °. (Required lev­el of skiers is from begin­ner to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 6
Ear­ly in the morn­ing trans­fer to the Djer­galan gorge (75km, 1 hour 20 min.) up to the height of 2220m. Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes between 600m and 1000m, steep­ness of the slopes are 20–35 °. (Required lev­el of skiers is from begin­ner to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 7
In the morn­ing trans­fer to the Irdyk gorge (25km, 40–50 min.) up to the height of 2040m. Approach to the place of ski­ing is 1.5 hour. Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes up to 1200m, steep­ness of the slopes are 20–45 °. (Required lev­el of skiers is from begin­ner to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 8
In the morn­ing trans­fer to the upper reach­es of the Tur­gen Ak-Su gorge (60km, 2–2.5 hours). Descents down the Chon-Ashu pass (3822m). Dif­fer­ences in alti­tudes up to 1000m, steep­ness of the slopes are 30–45 °. (Required lev­el of skiers is from aver­age to expert). Return to Karakol.
Day 9
Trans­fer to Bishkek along the south­ern shore of the Issyk-Kul Lake (420km, 6–7 hours). Accom­mo­da­tion in the guest house.
Ear­ly morn­ing trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture from Bishkek.

Terskey Ala-Too ski-tour price in USD

Group (per­son)
Per per­son
Sur­charge for a sin­gle sup­ple­ment is $180 USD
Sup­ple­ment for addi­tion­al guide $990 USD

The program price includes:

• Meet­ing and see­ing off at the air­port
• All trans­fers accord­ing to the pro­gram by Mit­subishi Del­i­ca like full dri­ve vehi­cles (1vehicle for a group up to 5 mem­bers )
• Sight­see­ing in Bishkek
• Extra accom­mo­da­tion in guest hous­es of Bishkek and Karakol
• Full Board dur­ing the pro­gram (includ­ing lunch dur­ing trans­fer Bishkek-Karakol – Bishkek)
• Guides’ salaries (1 guide for a group of up to 3 mem­bers ; 2 guides for a group of 4 and more mem­bers )
• Rent of radio-phones
• Eco­log­i­cal fees

Price doesn’t include:

• Air fare to Bishkek
• Medical(sports acci­dent insur­ance) insur­ance
• Rent of ski and avalanche safe­ty equip­ment
• Accom­mo­da­tion in Bishkek pri­or to the begin­ning of the pro­gram and after the end of the pro­gram
• Alco­hol drinks

The guides reserve the right to choose slopes for a ski-tour in the area accord­ing to snow con­di­tion and avalanche risk lev­el.
The can­di­dates’ ski­ing expe­ri­ence and qual­i­fi­ca­tions were tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion when prepar­ing the pro­gram so for a group of 5 par­tic­i­pants 1 guide is enough. If can­di­dates aren’t quite expe­ri­enced, 1 guide will be work­ing with 3 clients.
Groups from 2 to 10 peo­ple. Each group is accom­pa­nied by one or two guides (the num­ber of guides depends on the expe­ri­ence of skiers).

Necessary ski tour equipment for ski tour in Terskey Ala-Too

Ski with ski bind­ings and ski skins. Split­board or snow shoes for snow­board­ers . Ski poles, hel­met, avalanche safe­ty equip­ment set: trans­ceiv­er (beep­er), probe and shov­el. Back­pack with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of secur­ing the ski or snow­board and suit­able ski clothes, in win­ter peri­od tem­per­a­ture vari­a­tion is from – 5C to – 25C in the area). Sun­glass­es, ski mask, sun cream. Avalanche safe­ty equip­ment is avail­able for rent on advance request. Num­ber of sets is lim­it­ed.

Additional Information


Full Board dur­ing the pro­gram. Break­fasts are at the guest house and din­ners in cafés, Menu includes both Nation­al and Euro­pean cui­sine. Lunch box­es are pro­vid­ed dur­ing day time activ­i­ties (fruites, sand­wich­es, hot tea).


All trans­fers are car­ried out by com­fort­able full dri­ve vehi­cle in excel­lent, equipped with win­ter tyres and a large ski boot.

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