Ski-tour in the Valley of Suusamyr

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan, Val­ley of Suusamyr
Sea­son: mid­dle of Jan­u­ary — mid­dle of March
Day: 10
Dif­fi­cul­ty: aver­age

Price of the Suusamyr Ski Tour:
from $1300 USD per per­son

Suusamyr – is a high moun­tain val­ley locat­ed 160 km away from Bishkek city in the South-West direc­tion. The Val­ley is locat­ed at an alti­tude of 2100–2500 meters, dis­tance from the West to the East is over 100 km, the max­i­mum width of the Val­ley is about 40 km. Suusamyr val­ley is sur­round­ed by three big ranges with peaks up to 4500 meters high. In the North is Kyr­gyz Ala-Too, in the South West is Djum­gal range.

Large amount of pre­cip­i­ta­tions in the area is most­ly due to these geo­graph­i­cal fea­tures. Snow cov­er in win­ter is 1,5–2 meters and is 100–120 days a year. Slopes that sur­round the val­ley have a dif­fer­ent steep­ness and expo­sure that allows to find the most inter­est­ing and safe slopes for ski­ing dur­ing the entire ski sea­son (Decem­ber – March).

About ski­ing:
The pro­gram is suit­able for expe­ri­enced off ski run skiers.
The ski area is very exten­sive, steep­ness is from 20 to 35 degree.
Dif­fer­ence in height lev­el is up to 1000 meters.

For ascents and descents there are three dif­fer­ent ski fields with var­ied topog­ra­phy:
— Area of Tua –Ashuu pass. Heights are 3000–3650 m. Steep­ness is 20–35 degrees. Length of the runs is from 3 km to 10 km.
— Area of Otmok pass. Height are 3000–3450m. Long gen­tle slopes. Steep­ness is 20–30 degrees. Length of the runs is from 2 km to 5 km. It is pos­si­ble to do a few descents and ascents on dif­fer­ent slopes dur­ing a day.
— The rout starts from the low­er part of the val­ley. These routs are long-haul, com­bin­ing descents and ascents. Heights are 2300–3200 meters.


Ski-tour Program in Suusamyr Valley

Day 1
Meet at the air­port in Bishkek. Trans­fer to the guest­house. In the after­noon sight­see­ing around the city. Full Board.
Day 2
Trans­fer to the ski base Tua – Ashuu by com­fort­able full-dri­ve minibus (130 km, 3 hours).
Day 3–8
Ski­ing activ­i­ties. Full Board.
Approx­i­mate time table:
08:30 Break­fast
09:30 Trans­fer by minibus or walk up to the begin­ning of the ski tour route.
Ski­ing activ­i­ties. Return to the base.
18:00 Din­ner. Overview (dis­cus­sion) of ascents and descents. Spare time.
Day 9
Break­fast at 08:30. Trans­fer to Bishkek at 11:00. Accom­mo­da­tion in the guest­house. Spare time. Full Board.
Trans­fer to the air­port.

Suusamyr ski-tour price in USD

Group (per­son)
Per per­son
Sur­charge for a sin­gle sup­ple­ment is $210 USD
Sur­charge for an addi­tion­al guide is $990 USD

The program price includes:

- Trans­fers from/to the air­port in Bishkek
— All trans­fers accord­ing to the pro­gram by 4WD
— Dou­ble room accom­mo­da­tion in the guest­house in Bishkek
— Excur­sion in Bishkek
— Accom­mo­da­tion in the Ski base cot­tages
— Full Board dur­ing the tour*
— Ski pass for one full day and a half day
— Guide ser­vices**
— Rent of walkie-talkies

Price doesn’t include:

- Air­fare to/from Bishkek
— Insur­ance
— Rent of ski equip­ment
— Use of ski lift at the base or snow­mo­bile
— Alco­holic bev­er­ages

Num­ber of par­tic­i­pants in the group: 2–10 peo­ple (each group is accom­pa­nied by a guide).
The guides have a right to make a choice of slopes in the area for ski tours depend­ing on snow con­di­tions and lev­el of avalanche haz­ard.
The cal­cu­la­tion of the pro­gram is made on the basis of 1 guide for a group of 5 expe­ri­enced skiers; if skiers aren’t that expe­ri­enced there is 1 guide for a group of 2–3 peo­ple.

Necessary skiing equipment for ski tour in Suusamyr valley

Skis with ski bind­ings and ski skins (split board or snow shoes for snow bor­ders). Ski poles. Hel­met. Set of avalanche equip­ment: trans­ceiv­er (beep­er), probe and shov­el. Back­pack with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of secur­ing the ski or snow­board. Suit­able ski­ing clothes (in win­ter peri­od the tem­per­a­ture vari­a­tion id from ‑5C to – 25C in this area). Sun­glass­es, sun block.

Set of avalanche equip­ment is avail­able for rent in advance request (lim­it­ed num­ber of sets).

Additional Information


Dur­ing the whole pro­gram Full Board a day. Break­fast and din­ner is in the café. The menu offers both nation­al and Euro­pean cui­sine, lunch box­es while trav­el­ling (sand­wich­es, hot tea, fruit).


Mov­ing is car­ried out:

«JEEP», «Mit­subishi DELIKA», «UAZ», «Minibus».

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