Terskey Ala-Too

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan, Issyk Kul Oblast
Sea­son: July — August
Days: 11
Dif­fi­cul­ty: medi­um

Indi­vid­ual tour:
from $1150 USD per per­son.
Fixed Dates:
$1980 USD per per­son

The Issyk-Kul lake is a huge nat­ur­al accu­mu­la­tor (it is called a moun­tain sea) deter­min­ing the unique cli­mate of the whole area. The gigan­tic lake sur­round­ed by ridges reach­ing over 5000 m – the main com­po­nents of unique and var­i­ous natures belong­ing to North­ern spurs of Terskey Ala-Too (cen­tral part). The nar­row val­leys with steep slopes cov­ered in fruit­ful bush­es at low­er part, at medi­um part – in Tien-Shan fir-trees, and upper part – in alpine mead­ows of wild flow­ers, rocky and snow-cow­ered peaks rais­ing above them ‑all this makes region very pop­u­lar among vis­i­tors. Healthy air mixed with sea fresh­ness, fra­grance of fir-trees and cool­ness of moun­tains turquoise Ala-Kol Lake – its water like mir­ror reflects neigh­bor­ing glac­i­ers and sum­mits. Vari­ety of relief and land­scapes plus warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty of locals, all this attracts grow­ing mem­ber of vis­i­tors from all around the world.


The program of the tour “Terskey Ala-Too”

Day 1
Arrival in Bishkek. Meet­ing at the Man­as air­port. Trans­fer to Bishkek. Hotel accom­mo­da­tion. Lunch in the city. After lunch, city tour: vis­it to the His­tor­i­cal muse­um, the cen­tral square “Ala-Too”. Din­ner in the city. Return to the hotel.
Day 2
Trans­fer Bishkek — Karakol. Trans­fer to Karakol 420km, 6–7 hours along the south­ern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. On the way vis­it the archae­o­log­i­cal com­plex “Burana Tow­er” (XI cen­tu­ry), canyon “Fairy Tale”. Lunch on the road. Accom­mo­da­tion in Karakol in a hotel.
Day 3
Trans­fer to the begin­ning of trekking in the Jety Oguz gorge. After break­fast, a short city tour in Karakol. Then trans­fer to the Dzhety-Oguz gorge, 45 km, 2 hours. Jety Oguz gorge is locat­ed on the north­ern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. Ahead of us is a pic­turesque road. Along the way, we will see the red rocks “Jety Oguz ” and “Bro­ken Heart”. ” Jety Oguz ” is trans­lat­ed as “Sev­en Bulls”, there is a beau­ti­ful ancient leg­end about this rock, and a gorge is named after this rock. Rock “Bro­ken heart” Kyr­gyz artists like to por­tray in their paint­ings. Fur­ther we will pass through the for­est along a nar­row moun­tain road along a fast moun­tain riv­er. Overnight at the yurt camp (2600m.).
Day 4
The upper reach­es of the Tele­ty gorge. This day you will find a not dif­fi­cult tran­si­tion with a grad­ual climb. A short trek up the Dje­ty-Oguz Riv­er to the place of con­flu­ence with its left trib­u­tary — Tele­ty RIv­er. Then hike up the val­ley Tele­ty along the good path – through the for­est area and then along a hilly val­ley with alpine mead­ows.
Day 5
Tele­ty Pass. A steep ascent by grassy slope into a small cir­cus, fol­lowed short­ly by a tra­verse on scree slope on the Tele­ty pass (3801m). Descent from the pass across a gen­tly slop­ing val­ley into the for­est zone and fur­ther on into the Karakol gorge. Trekking down the gorge to the place where the left trib­u­tary of the Ayu-Tor flows into the Karakol Riv­er. Camp is at a height of 2640m. Trav­el time is 6–7 hours.
Day 6
Radi­al Hike to the Karakol peak. A radi­al hike up along the left part of the Karakol Riv­er – the Uyun-Tor to the foot of the Peak Karakol­skiy (5281m). Beau­ti­ful views of great, steep, rocky slopes of glac­i­ers and peaks cov­ered with snow. Return to the Camp. Trav­el time is about 8 hours.
Day 7
Lake Ala-Kel. Cross­ing the Karakol Riv­er over a wood­en bridge. The trail winds through the fir for­est, and then goes on a wood­ed slope. Ascent a slope to an ancient moraine. Fur­ther up the riv­er there is a path that leads through some bush­es and rocky out­crops to the steep scree slope. Hike up the slope to the Lake Ala-Kel and fur­ther to its mid­dle part. Camp is at the lake bank, at a height of 3532m. Trav­el time is 5–6 hours.
Day 8
Ala-Kel Pass. Ascent by trail across a scree slope to the top of the Ala-Kel pass (3860m). From the pass a mag­nif­i­cent view of the high­est part of Terskey Ala-Too ridge with its peaks: Karakol peak (5281m), Djig­it (5170m), and Oguz-Bashi (5168m). Descent from the pass into the val­ley of Kel-Deke brook by steep scree slope, and then into the Val­ley of the Altyn-Arashan Riv­er along a hilly val­ley with alpine mead­ows. Short descent down the val­ley to a small, rur­al resort with ter­mi­nal springs. A vis­it to the ther­mal baths. The camp is at an alti­tude of 2600 m. Trav­el time is 7–8 hours.
Day 9
Cholpon Ata. Descent down the Altyn-Arashan gorge to the end of the gorge along the old road among the spruce for­est and bush­es. Walk­ing time 3–4 hours. Then trans­fer to Karakol 15 km. Lunch in Karakol. Trans­fer to the city of Cholpon Ata, 135 km, 2–3 hours.
Trans­fer to Bishkek. After break­fast, vis­it the open-air muse­um of pet­ro­glyphs. Trans­fer to Bishkek 250 km, 3–4 hours are on the way. Lunch along the way in a road­side cafe. Overnight at the hotel in Bishkek.
Day 11
Fly home. Trans­fer to the air­port ear­ly in the morn­ing. Depar­ture back home.

The price of the individual tour “Terskey Ala-Too” in USD (any dates in July — August)

Group (per­son)
Per per­son
SGL sup­ple­ment in hotels: $100 USD per per­son
SGL sup­ple­ment in tents: $60 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

• Guide ser­vices
• All trans­fers accord­ing to the pro­gram
• Full meals accord­ing to the pro­gram
• Accom­mo­da­tion at a hotel in Bishkek — 2 nights
• Accom­mo­da­tion in Karakol at the hotel — 1 night
• hotel accom­mo­da­tion in Issyk-Kul — 1 night
• accom­mo­da­tion in camps in dou­ble tents

Price doesn’t include:

• Visa
• Insur­ance
• Porter ser­vices
• Per­son­al expens­es
• Inter­na­tion­al flights
• Devi­a­tions from the main pro­gram

Fixed dates of arrival “Terskey Ala-Too”. Group recruitment is open.

You can join the group with fixed dates. Group recruit­ment open:
Fixed Dates: August 4–14
Cost: $1980 USD per per­son
SGL sup­ple­ment in hotels: $130 USD per per­son
SGL sup­ple­ment in tents: $70 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

• Accom­mo­da­tion in hotels in Bishkek – 3 nights
• Accom­mo­da­tion in Karakol – 1 night
• Accom­mo­da­tion at the Hotel at Issyk-Kul Lake – 1 night
• Accom­mo­da­tion and full board
• FB dur­ing whole pro­gram
• Escort­ing Guide dur­ing the whole pro­gram
• Porter ser­vice dur­ing the trek
• All the trans­fers accord­ing to the pro­gram
• Entry and eco­log­i­cal fee

Price doesn’t include:

• Visa sup­port and visa fee (if nec­es­sary)
• All option­al devi­a­tions from the main itin­er­ary
• Bev­er­ages and meals not includ­ed in main menu
• Insur­ance

Additional Information

Required documents



Mov­ing is car­ried out:


In Bishkek, in a guest house.


In cities, dur­ing trips and in base camps — three meals a day.

Let us know your request details and we'll get back to you soon!