Lost Valleys of the Turkestan Range

Loca­tion: Kyr­gyzs­tan, Batken Oblast
Sea­son: July — August
Day: 14
Dif­fi­cul­ty: medi­um

Indi­vid­ual tour:
from $1680 USD per per­son.
Fixed Dates:
$2180 USD per per­son

The high moun­tain val­leys of the Turkestan Range a con­tin­u­ous wall of gran­ite peaks form­ing Kyrgyzstan’s south­west­ern bor­der-are a time­less world of tow­er­ing rock faces and sum­mer pas­tures where Kyr­gyz nomads have grazed their flocks since the days of the ancient Silk Road. Only a hand­ful of west­ern trekkers have ever explored its pin­na­cled moun­tain fast­ness, and our trek is a cir­cuit through some of the most remote, least vis­it­ed and spec­tac­u­lar val­leys the range has to offer.

You’ll hike through alpine mead­ows of wild­flow­ers laced by glac­i­er ‑fed rivers, and stand near the foot of sheer gran­ite faces reach­ing 2000 ver­ti­cal meters from their base (many call this “Yosemite East”).

All along the way, you’ll enjoy mem­o­rable encoun­ters with nomadic fam­i­lies who spend the sum­mer in remote encamp­ments in this time­less moun­tain par­adise.


The program of the tour “Lost Valley of the Turkestan Range”

Day 1
Arrival in the city of Osh. Meet­ing at the air­port. City tour in Osh: a vis­it to the cen­ter of Osh, the sacred moun­tain of Suleiman-Too, the His­tor­i­cal Muse­um. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2
Trans­fer to the vil­lage of Uzgu­rush. After break­fast, trans­fer to the vil­lage of Uzgu­rush. Lunch along the way. Dis­tance 360 km, trav­el time 7–8 hours. Accom­mo­da­tion in a local guest house at an alti­tude of 1780m in a very pic­turesque gorge Dzhaty-Kupu­ruk on the banks of the riv­er Lyailak. Din­ner.
Day 3
НаUzgu­rush –Ak-Tash. The group begins to climb the gorge through wal­nut orchards and pis­ta­chio trees. On this day you are expect­ed to climb the Bulzhu­ma pass (2894 m). A beau­ti­ful panora­ma opens from the pass. Not a dif­fi­cult descent from the pass to the Ak-Tash val­ley. The dis­tance is 15 km. Trav­el time is 6–8 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 4
Ak-Tash — Dzhal­gy­chi. On this day, the group ris­es along the talus slope to the Dzhal­gy­chi pass (3774 m). From the pass we can see the high­est peak of the Turkestan Range — Pyra­mi­dal Peak (5509 m.). In three days we will be able to bet­ter see the Pyra­mi­dal peak, when we have a radi­al exit to the foot of the peak. Descent from the pass along the Dzhal­gy­chi riv­er to the camp. The dis­tance is 11 km. Trav­el time 4–6 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 3100 m.
Day 5
Dzhal­gy­chi — Orto-Chash­ma. A mod­er­ate climb up the ridge between the gorge Dzhal­gy­chy and Kash­ka-Suu. Hav­ing over­come the ridge, the group descends into the Kash­ka-Suu gorge to the place of con­flu­ence with the Orto-Chash­ma gorge. The dis­tance is 8 km. Trav­el time 3–4 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 6
Orto-Chash­ma — Kara-Suu. Ascent to the Kosh Moinok pass through juniper for­est (3260 m). From the pass we will see grandiose rocky peaks: peak of the 1000-anniver­sary of Kresh­e­nie Rusi (4507 m.), Koti­na peak (4521 m.). Descent from the pass to the place of spend­ing the night in the Kara-Suu gorge. The dis­tance is 16 km. Trav­el time is 7–8 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 7
Radi­al exit to the foot of the peaks of Asan Usen and Pyra­mi­dal. We will explore the upper reach­es of the Kara-Suu Val­ley — a tru­ly amaz­ing place that climbers from all over the world are eager to see. We will admire the peaks of Asan Usen (4378 m.), The peak of Pyra­mi­dal (5509 m.), The peak of Kirkchilt (4507 m.). Return to the camp. The dis­tance is 10 km. Trav­el time 5–6 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 8
Kara-Suu — Orto-Chash­ma. The group returns back through the Kosh-Moinok pass (3260 m.) To the camp of the Orto-Chash­ma gorge. The dis­tance is 16 km. Trav­el time is 7–8 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 9
Ortho-Chash­ma — Ak-Tyubek. After break­fast, we begin to climb under the Ak-Tyubek pass. This day will not be dif­fi­cult and we will have more time to enjoy the beau­ty of the sur­round­ing moun­tains. The dis­tance is 7 km. Trav­el time 3–4 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 3300 m.
Ak-Tyubek — Ak-Suu. Today we cross the Ak-Tyubek pass with a height of 4347 m. Descent to the Ak-Suu gorge. It is a real­ly busy and long day, but along the way we will see the Iskan­der peaks (5150 m), A. Blok (5269 m) and Pet­ro­grad (5192 m), as well as the hang­ing glac­i­ers of Ak-Suu peak. Dis­tance 11 km, trav­el time 5–6 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2800 m.
Day 11
Radi­al hike to the foot of Ak-Suu peak (5355 m.). Today we will have time to explore the splen­dor of the Ak-Suu Val­ley, with its tow­er­ing snow-cov­ered Ak-Suu peak. On this free day, we will make a radi­al exit in the upper Ak-Suu val­ley, at the foot of the Ak-Suu peak. The dis­tance is 14 km. Time 5–6 hours. Camp at an alti­tude of 2880 m.
Day 12
Ak-Suu — Uzgu­rush. Descent along the val­ley to the vil­lage of Uzgu­rush through juniper for­est and green mead­ows. On the way, we will be greet­ed by Kyr­gyz nomads and their chil­dren, who tem­porar­i­ly live in the val­ley in the sum­mer. Dis­tance 16 km, trav­el time 5–6 hours. Overnight in a guest house in the vil­lage of Uzgu­rush at an alti­tude of 1780 m.
Day 13
Trans­fer to Osh. After break­fast, trans­fer to Osh city. Lunch along the way. Overnight at the hotel in Osh. Dis­tance 360 km. Trav­el time is 7–8 hours.
Day 14
Depar­ture home. Ear­ly morn­ing trans­fer to the air­port. Depar­ture home.

The price of the individual tour “Lost Valley of the Turkestan Range” in USD (any dates in July — August)

Group (per­son)
Per per­son
Sin­gle sup­ple­ment in hotels: $80 USD per per­son
Sin­gle sup­ple­ment in tents: $110 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

• Guide ser­vices
• All trans­fers accord­ing to the pro­gram
• Full meals accord­ing to the pro­gram
• bor­der pass
• Ser­vices of dri­vers and pack vehi­cles for the trans­fer of your lug­gage
• Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel in Osh — 2 nights
• Accom­mo­da­tion in a guest house in the vil­lage of Uzgu­rush — 2 nights
• Accom­mo­da­tion in camp­sites in 2 local tents

Price doesn’t include:

• Visa
• Insur­ance
• Per­son­al expens­es
• Inter­na­tion­al flights
• Devi­a­tions from the main pro­gram

Fixed dates of arrival “Lost Valley of the Turkestan Range”. Group recruitment is open.

You can join the group with fixed dates. Group recruit­ment open:
Fixed dates: July 23-August 05
Cost: $2180 USD per per­son.
Sin­gle sup­ple­ment in hotels: $90 USD per per­son
Sin­gle sup­ple­ment in tents: $110 USD per per­son

The program price includes:

• Accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel 3* in Bishkek – 3 nights;
• Accom­mo­da­tion in a Kyr­gyz fam­i­ly in Uzgu­rush vil­lage – 2 night;
• Accom­mo­da­tion in tent camps with full board
• Full board dur­ing the whole tour;
• Escort­ing guide dur­ing the whole tour;
• Ser­vice of pack ani­mals for trans­port­ing your lug­gage;
• All trans­fers as per pro­gram;
• Flight tick­ets Bishkek – Osh – Bishkek;
• Eco­log­i­cal and entrance fees into the muse­ums – as per pro­gram.

Price doesn’t include:

• Visa sup­port and con­sular fee (if required)
• All addi­tions and vari­a­tions from the basic pro­gram;
• Food and drinks besides the main menu;
• Oth­er per­son­al expens­es (over­weight charges, room ser­vice, med­ical expenses/insurance, foto/video charges, etc)

Additional Information

Required documents



Mov­ing is car­ried out:


In Bishkek, in a guest house.


In cities, dur­ing trips and in base camps — three meals a day.

Let us know your request details and we'll get back to you soon!